

Blog and Articles

Work Looking ahead to a better year

One year into the COVID-19 pandemic, a ray of hope is emerging for the first ...

Work Majority of COVID-19 cases show fever as the first symptom

Nine months since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Wuhan, China, mu ...

Work Testing times

As the UK government ramps up its corona virus testing, businesses and organi ...

Work A New Normal

Amazon has installed thermal cameras in its warehouses in the UK and around t ...

Work Temperature checks for UK MPs as they return to work

The UK parliament is set to open after the Easter recess with MPs facing scre ...

Work Time is money

With temperature checks for staff becoming more common, employers are in a un ...

Work Temperature monitoring by employers

Recent changes in government legislation have led to major U.S companies star ...

Work Disney might check visitors’ temperatures when theme parks reopen, chairman says

LOS ANGELES, April 7 (Reuters) – Walt Disney Co might require theme par ...

Work Hit and miss

A fever and dry cough are the most common signs of a COVID19 infection. The W ...

Work Awareness is awesome

With the Corona virus rampant in the UK and the rest of the world, we have al ...

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